JavaScript Numbers

What are JavaScript Numbers?

JavaScript numbers are primitive data types that can represent both integers and floating-point values. They are stored in 64-bit format using the IEEE-754 standard. This means that JavaScript numbers can have a very large range of values, from approximately -1.8 × 10^308 to 1.8 × 10^308.

Creating JavaScript Numbers

There are two main ways to create JavaScript numbers:

Using number literals: Number literals are simply numeric values written in the code. For example, the following code creates two JavaScript numbers:

const myInteger = 10;
const myFloat = 3.14;

Using the Number() constructor: The Number() constructor can be used to convert any value to a number, if possible. For example, the following code converts the string “10” to a number:

const myNumber = Number("10");

Arithmetic Operations

JavaScript supports all of the standard arithmetic operations on numbers, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and exponentiation. These operations can be performed using the following operators:

Operator | Description
------- | --------
+ | Addition
- | Subtraction
* | Multiplication
/ | Division
** | Exponentiation

For example, the following code performs some basic arithmetic operations on numbers:

const sum = 10 + 5; // sum is now 15
const difference = 10 - 5; // difference is now 5
const product = 10 * 5; // product is now 50
const quotient = 10 / 5; // quotient is now 2
const exponent = 10 ** 2; // exponent is now 100

Number Comparison

JavaScript also supports the following operators for comparing numbers:

Operator | Description
------- | --------
== | Equal to
!= | Not equal to
< | Less than
> | Greater than
<= | Less than or equal to
>= | Greater than or equal to

For example, the following code compares two numbers:

const num1 = 10;
const num2 = 5;
if (num1 == num2) {
console.log("The numbers are equal.");
} else if (num1 > num2) {
console.log("The first number is greater than the second number.");
} else {
console.log("The first number is less than the second number.");


The first number is greater than the second number.

Number Methods

JavaScript provides a number of methods for working with numbers. Some of the most useful methods include:

ToString(): Converts a number to a string.

ToFixed(): Formats a number to a specific number of decimal places.

ToPrecision(): Formats a number to a specific number of significant digits.

ParseInt(): Parses a string into an integer.

ParseFloat(): Parses a string into a floating-point number.

For example, the following code uses the toString(), toFixed(), and parseFloat() methods to work with numbers:

const myNumber = 10.3456;
// Convert the number to a string.
const myString = myNumber.toString();
// Format the number to two decimal places.
const formattedNumber = myNumber.toFixed(2);
// Parse the string into a floating-point number.
const parsedNumber = parseFloat(myString);
console.log(myString); // Output: “10.3456”
console.log(formattedNumber); // Output: “10.35”
console.log(parsedNumber); // Output: 10.3456


JavaScript numbers are a powerful tool that can be used to perform a variety of tasks, such as mathematical calculations, data analysis, and graphics programming. By understanding the basics of JavaScript numbers, you can write more efficient and effective code.